

      國際會(huì )議

      The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium



      The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium

      (第31屆國際碳水化合物研討會(huì )

            大會(huì )主題:糖科學(xué)創(chuàng )造美好未來(lái)


            會(huì )議時(shí)間:2024714-19

            會(huì )議地點(diǎn):上海國際會(huì )議中心

            會(huì )議主席:俞  飚   院士

      國際碳水化合物研討會(huì )是國際碳水化合物組織(ICO)主辦的糖科學(xué)領(lǐng)域具有悠久歷史的國際性系列學(xué)術(shù)會(huì )議,2024年首次在中國舉辦。第三十一屆國際碳水化合物研討會(huì )會(huì )議將以糖科學(xué)為主題,圍繞糖化學(xué)、糖生物學(xué)、糖類(lèi)藥物、糖疫苗、糖類(lèi)材料等領(lǐng)域的國際最新前沿進(jìn)展進(jìn)行全面交流。參會(huì )規模預計約1000人,大會(huì )已邀請諾貝爾獎獲得者美國斯坦福大學(xué)Carolyn Bertozzi教授、馬克斯 普朗克膠體與界面研究所所長(cháng)Peter Seeberger教授、英國牛津大學(xué)Ben Davis教授、荷蘭烏德勒支大學(xué)Geert-Jan Boons教授、萊頓大學(xué)Hermen Overkleeft教授、日本大阪大學(xué)Koichi Fukase教授50余位著(zhù)名糖科學(xué)領(lǐng)域專(zhuān)家做大會(huì )報告和邀請報告,還將邀請國內外諸多學(xué)術(shù)專(zhuān)家共同參與研討,探討糖科學(xué)的現有發(fā)展和未來(lái)機遇!

      The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS2024) will be held in Shanghai on July 14 to 19, 2024. The conference venue will be the Shanghai International Convention Center. The International Carbohydrate Symposium wasinitiated in 1960 as an important biennial forum for researchers involved in all aspects of carbohydrates that has been held in various locations around the world.The Conference comes to China for the first time in 2024. The ICS2024 will follow the convention of the previous ICS symposiums, to provide a global forum for researchers engaging in all aspects of carbohydrates. Besides classical topics on carbohydrate chemistry, chemical glycobiology, and glycobiology, are highlighted the current developments of carbohydrates and glycotechnologies in the fields of diagnosis and therapy of diseases, nutrients and cosmetics, agriculture and biofuels, and materials. The ICS2024 will reflect the state-of-art as well as future trends of the glycosciences, and forge communications and corporations between glycoscientists from various areas and disciplines. Around 1,000 delegates are expected to attend this event.



      大會(huì )注冊?xún)?yōu)惠(早鳥(niǎo)價(jià))截止時(shí)間:2024430

      大會(huì )注冊截止時(shí)間202471

      大會(huì )注冊信息

      會(huì ) 議 網(wǎng) 站https://ics2024.casconf.cn/

      會(huì )務(wù)組聯(lián)系人

      徐鵬,Tel: +86-21-54925486;E-mail:ics2024@sioc.ac.cn

      朱影,Tel: +86-21-54925609; E-mail:ics2024@sioc.ac.cn

        會(huì )議網(wǎng)站二維碼 

      誠邀學(xué)術(shù)界與企業(yè)界老師與同學(xué)們注冊投稿參會(huì )!
